Cancelation/Refund Policy

In the event that tragically you need to drop a cancelation request, kindly do as such inside 24 hours of putting in the order request. For altogether cancelation through you: If you cancel your purchased order before your item has dispatched, we will discount the whole sum. In the event that the cancelation is after your item has transported: - If you got the item, it will be qualified for replacement, just in situations where there are issues found with the item. Refund Policy How many days customers have to ask for a refund? 7 days What are the conditions that must be met to issue a refund? No Refund available Can customers exchange a product with a new one? Yes, customers can exchange the product with a new one by contacting us How can users contact you for any questions regarding your Refund Policy? By email By visiting a page on our website By phone number Return Policy Returns are a plan given by separate dealers straightforwardly under this arrangement as far as which the choice of trade, substitution or potentially discount is offered by the particular merchants to you. All items recorded under a specific class might not have similar return policy. For all items, the profits/substitution strategy gave on the item page will beat the overall general return policy. However, right now we don’t offer any return policy.